Orderly, Assembled, Well-Aligned Ducks

I was chatting to my friend Alan. Alan’s brother Ron is very well-organised. I commented that Ron ‘liked to have his ‘ducks in a row’.

Alan sighed. His life isn’t as well-organised as Ron’s. He expressed concern that some of his ducks had swum away, some were lost, and those that were assembled certainly wouldn’t line up…

I chatted to three people yesterday who’ve been seeking to align their ducks:

Adam had problems with addictions. His ducks were absent or totally out of control… Through Alcoholics Anonymous and Christian faith, he started to find his ducks; they gradually took their assigned place…

…He’s just finished his nursing training, passing with first class honours… met a girl whom he loves… about to start his dream job. Adam’s ducks are now well-aligned.

We discussed his future – marriage, career plans… uncertain non-aligned ducks on the horizon, viewed with anticipation and excitement.

Grandson-Luca come round. It’s his last week of the school year. He’s starting to think about next term – lining up his ten-year-old ducks. Last week he’d learnt that his teacher would be Mr Gregory. Luca wasn’t sure about him…

Yesterday was ‘transition day’. He spent a good day with Mr Gregory. Luca’s decided he likes Mr Gregory. His school ducks will stand in a line throughout the summer holidays to be re-examined in September.

Roger had some tests with his doctor recently. The doctor thought that he might have prostate problems. Roger’s ducks scattered. Further tests… cancer suggested then confirmed… a painful biopsy… angry ducks ran everywhere and quacked loudly!

Roger was advised by doctors, considered his options, talked with his family… He’s decided to have surgery… His faith’s helping him through a difficult time… unwilling ducks are starting to rediscover their place in the line.

This morning I was re-reading the Jesus narrative… Jesus encountering people whose ducks were out of line because of ill-health, nationality, prejudice, family situation, accumulated problems… With Jesus help, their ducks became orderly, assembled and well-aligned.

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