Success – Smelt, Seen and Tasted

Last weekend was filled with the sweet smell of success…

On Saturday we watched successful, talented children singing in the final of The Voice Kids – and 11-year-old twin sisters Andrea and Shanice winning.

On Sunday many of us watched the long, hard fought, entertaining Wimbledon final. Novak Djokovic was gracious in defeat; Carlos Alcaraz celebrated success.

Several friends joined nearly 7000 runners in ‘Run Norwich 2023’. Our friend Steve celebrated success as he completed his 10K race.

We were delighted to see our friend Josh celebrating success – graduating after five years training to be a doctor…

Last night we met granddaughter-Hannah, proudly sharing her success at her Sixth Form awards evening…

Andrea, Shanice, Carlos, Steve, Josh, Hannah… all enjoying the sweet smell of success.

Reading Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount this morning… Jesus had a lot to say about success.

He talks about those who make out they are successful but are hypocrites. Sweet smell of success? Jesus says they stink. He says they can’t see straight; criticising of specks of dust in the eyes of others, they fail to see huge great planks in their own eyes.

Jesus questions what true success looks like. He talks about ‘laying up treasure in heaven’ and ‘seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness.’ We need to have clear vision to be able to understand, and then look for that sort of success.

I love what Beth Moore has to say about those on the fringes of society who are apparently unsuccessful in life. She describes them as hungry:

‘Hungry for love. Hungry for affection. Hungry for friendship. Hungry for a listening ear. Hungry for hope. Hungry to know God is there and that he cares.’

Beth says we should remember where we’ve come from. Remember times in the past where we have been dependent on others who have cared for and fed us. Those of us who have tasted success should be grateful and share with those who are hungry.

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