Acts, Jamie, Inclusion and Messiness.

PPT - Book of Acts Chapter 6 PowerPoint Presentation, free download ...

On Sunday we considered Acts 6. The church distributed food to the widows and needy. There’s a complaint: traditional Hebraic Jews are getting more than Jews who embraced a broader Greek culture.

Jesus had always included prostitutes, tax collectors and social rejects. Here the Jesus Community was to include – as equals – folks with different cultural traditions.

The story unfolds; inclusion broadens. Chapter 8: an Ethiopian eunuch’s included – a black man with non-standard sexual identity. Chapter 9: Paul, a religious extremist’s included. Chapter 10: Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, the foreign, enemy soldier’s included…

Minister-Lou said that if we’re to be an inclusive church it will be messy…  

Last night we watched ‘Everyone’s Talking About Jamie’ – based on the true story of a boy who enjoyed dressing up in his mum’s clothes… came out as gay… became a drag queen when he was sixteen.

The show is set in Jamie’s final weeks at school, in a class of random disinterested sixteen-year-olds. His Dad can’t accept him… he faces prejudice at school… his best friend is Pritti, a studious hijab-wearing Muslim… Pritti also experiences prejudice. The show ends with Jamie wearing a beautiful dress to their school prom.

This excellent musical asks how inclusive we want society (and the church) to be. How messy might that be if we intentionally included Jamie, Pritti and this whole class of random sixteen-year-olds?

Even messier is the inclusion and mutual acceptance of those with dearly-held but conflicting views…

…The Brexiteer with the illegal immigrant… the traditionalist with the transvestite… the pro-life campaigner with the woman who’s chosen to have an abortion… the committed family-man with the gay priest.

The traditional role of the church is to take sides, declare right from wrong, claim the spiritual high ground from the authority of scripture or tradition, and divide…

Musing… Seeing those different from me in a positive, respectful light… seeking to understand others better… remaining humble, listening to what is said, holding my opinions strongly but lightly… striving for inclusion – however messy.

8 thoughts on “Acts, Jamie, Inclusion and Messiness.

  1. “For ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” = Inclusion

    “For God so loved [us ALL] that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that [anyone and everyone] who believes in Him would not perish but have Eternal Life.” = Inclusion

    “There is ONE body and ONE Spirit, just as you were called to the ONE hope that belongs to your call, ONE Lord, One faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of us ALL, who is above ALL and through ALL and in ALL.” = Exclusive

    Messy indeed, but the ONLY “Way, Truth, And Life” = JESUS

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    1. I used to think that it was simple and straightforward, Mark. I know that the good news of Jesus is. But that doesn’t mean that there are still questions that I wrestle with… particularly regarding good Christians disagreeing well.

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      1. I know what you mean, Malcolm. I’ve written three “messy” blogs wrestling with these same questions, and I’m probably only just getting started. I so wish that we lived closer to one another so that we could visit in person. Usually, I hate the internet, but sometimes like now I love it. “Keep the faith,” Brother, and I will too!

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  2. However messy it gets, I want to love like Jesus. It’s not black and white. It’s love and grace. God is a just God. He doesn’t need my help! Just my heart, faith, and testimony! Thank you for giving wisdom through the lens of the Lord and love, Malcolm!

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      1. Me too, Malcolm. It’s an HOURLY surrender! These gender confusions, chaos, etc…my friend, it’s in my family, my neighbors, people I love. I can get upset and angry. Confused? But in the end, God has it. I love learning, Malcolm. I’ll not stop. And I’ll forever be a work-in-progress.

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    1. I guess, Lynn, it’s working through what Lou said on Sunday, and we discussed on Tuesday… and realising I still don’t have the answers, but have a clearer picture of the direction I want to be heading.


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